It is with great sadness that we announce that Geraldine recently passed away. She had been a well respected and talented member of the club for decades. She was part of many winning teams' events and the recipient of a few trophies.
Her NGS grade was usually at the high level of a Queen and even that of a King.
She was a private person but had a lovely sense of humour and was never short of partners. It was an honour to partner her and her patience and expertise were very apparent.
Recently she had been very unwell and with her husband also being unwell and passing away in the last few months life has had its challenges.
Please be aware of the update link below, in particular the following summary:
Announcements: • only apply on the first round of bidding i.e. the first (non-Pass) bid and the next three calls • apply equally over intervention and to advancer’s bids i.e. partner of overcaller • never apply to overcalls • do not apply to opening bids above 2NT – transfer pre-empts are alerted not announced • always extend with fuller description where appropriate
Please be tolerant if opponents alert when they should announce or announce when they shouldn’t.